The Industrial Railway Society caters for enthusiasts interested in privately owned locomotives and railways at home and overseas.
We produce a quarterly magazine, the Industrial Railway Record, a profusely illustrated magazine; a bi-monthly UK/Irish Bulletin containing topical news, and a quarterly for overseas news; access to a well-stocked archive; visits to and rail tours of industrial railway systems; a book sales service, many Society publications being available at discounted prices; locomotive information service from the Society’s team of records officers; and a photographic sales service. In addition, members will receive periodic amendments to the Society Handbooks covering the United Kingdom and overseas.
All prices are inclusive of delivery charges. Overseas members are charged a slightly higher subscription to reflect increased postal charges.
If you are a new member joining between 1st January and 30th June your memberhip will be backdated to 1st January and you will be offered free copies of two of our UK books, Industrial Wagons and Ex-BR Diesels in Industry (8th Edition) and/or one of our Overseas books - either Benelux, GE4 (Baden Württemberg) or Western France. New members resident in the UK may also select a free copy of one of our UK regional handbooks (softback edition, subject to availability). Alternatively, if you join after 30th June your membership will run through to the end of 2024.
Members renewing for 2024: please select the level of membership you require from the list below (they are the same as for new members).